business partner

Experts specialize in a certain industry because they have experience in it and it’s what they excel at. We partner with vendors that are the best at what they do. They know their business and their industry better than anyone else, which makes them great assets to our business and great business partners.

Every person and every business is a vendor to someone, and they are hired because they are great at what they do. The big differentiator is how easy you are to work with. Here are a few things that you should keep in mind to be a valuable business partner for your clients:

  1. Build the relationship in person.

Schedule some face-to-face time as opposed to trying to build a relationship via e-mail. Grab a cup of coffee and talk about your family and learn about theirs. There’s always something positive to be said about face-to-face interactions.

  1. Simplify the process for your client.

Let’s say you’re a vendor that makes promotional products. Lay out the basic questions that need to be answered right from the start, so you don’t have to keep going back to the client for more information in the future. We’re all bombarded with emails all day long, so simplicity is always appreciated!

  1. Avoid industry jargon.

Try to avoid industry jargon when talking with a client. Break things down into laymen’s terms and simplify the process.

Business partners are vital, and we rely on many different partners to support our work at TitleSmart. But we don’t have the time to work with a vendor who creates more work for us. Providing value as a business partner means being easy to work with, along with being good at what you do.

What value are you providing to your business partners? Are you creating more work for them in the long run?