6 Ways to Host an Unforgettable Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time for family, gratitude, and delicious feasts, but hosting the big dinner can be a daunting task.…

Is Real Estate TikTok Legit? The Good, the Bad, and How To Tell the Difference
When TikTok launched in 2017, it was known as a platform for viral dance videos. Since then, its roughly 1 billion…

Where to Watch Fireworks in 2022
FRIDAY, JULY 1ST RICHFIELD: Band Shell, 636 E 66th St, Richfield, MN 55423. This year there will be a Laser Light Show…

TitleSmart Technology: Always on the Cutting Edge
TitleSmart is always on the cutting edge of technology to better service our clients. If there is an advancement…

Settlement vs. Mortgage Statements: Why is the payoff on my settlement statement higher than the balance on my mortgage statement?
You’re selling your home or refinancing your mortgage and at closing, you see that the payoff amount is a bit…

Goal Setting for The Year
I attribute TitleSmart’s success to positive thinking, strategic decision-making, and straight up hard work. And a great way to set…

Brighten Up Your Winter with a Good Book
From pages made from papyrus plants in ancient Egypt, to parchment from calf and deer skin in ancient Greece, to…

Back to School Lesson: A History of Title Insurance
It’s back-to-school season, and what better way to honor our educational system than by brushing up on a little…

Your Business Back-to-School Checklist
As summer winds down, it’s time to start thinking about that familiar tradition of our youth: the back-to-school routine.…

What is a First-Class Closing?
Here at TitleSmart, every closing is a first-class closing. Plain and simple. But, how does a first-class closing differ from…