Imagine closing on your new home, moving in, and getting settled. Things seem perfect, but then out of the blue a long-lost relative of the estate comes to claim ownership of your property and the court agrees that the relative is the legal owner! Without an owner’s title insurance policy not only will you no longer own the house, but you’ll also be out the amount of your down payment and other principle costs. What a nightmare!

If you’re thinking about purchasing a property from an estate, title insurance is critical. Estate transactions are much more complicated, for a few reasons:

  • It requires a lot more documents.
  • It requires verification of the heirs of the estate.
  • We need to make sure we know who has been appointed by the court to sign the deed over to the new owners.

Normally everything checks out, but sometimes estate transactions get tricky, no matter how thorough we are in the preliminary title search.

At TitleSmart we go the extra mile to make sure situations like the one above don’t happen to our clients. We make sure that the right person, who has authority to sign the documents, is deeding the property over to you. We work extra hard to make sure that there are no errors, so no prior owners from the past can come to claim an interest in your new property and cause legal issues for you. And, if anything ever does happen, you don’t have to worry about it. Call us and we will take it off your plate and solve the issue for you.