Last week we challenged you to start retraining your brain in our #NoComplaints challenge. Each day of the week we gave you one small challenge in order to reach the overall goal of #NoComplaints: Start on a Positive Note, ID & Avoid Triggers, Slow Down, Say Thank You, Spot Something good, Stop Beating Yourself Up, and Retrain Your Brain.


So, how did it go? Were you able to retrain your brain? Now we understand that something like this is not going to happen overnight. For many of us, we have to work each and every day on improving our outlook on negative situations. But we wanted to hear from those who tried this challenge to get their input on if they saw a difference or not.


We asked some of our TitleSmart staff to share their experiences with us. Gabbi Hruska, Production Manager, explained “It was harder than I anticipated.  But, I found myself being much more aware of my thoughts and the things I was saying out loud.”


Maria Bougie, a closer in our Woodbury office said, “This is a tough one!”, referring to Day 6 “Stop Beating Yourself Up”. Now I think we can all relate to this!  Often, we are our own toughest critics, but it doesn’t have to be this way! There is a balance to this, you should be able to recognize when you have done something wrong, but you don’t need to dwell on negative situations. Rather, acknowledge the negativity and move forward. With so much negativity in the world, we need to learn to be our own support system and not hinder ourselves from success by beating ourselves up.


Now there are always two sides to any story. There were some people that were able to see both the good and bad in this challenge. Jake Kostik, Operations Assistant and Analyst, gave his take on the challenge:

“To look at the idea of voicing NO complaints, I failed epically at this.”, Jake explains. He thinks that, “On occasion… an honest complaint or swearing actually relieves stress!” Jake goes on to explain that while he sees a lot of benefits out of the idea of being positive and not complaining, he also thinks there is good that can come from letting out frustrations or minor complaints as long as they are kept in control and are not harming anyone else.


In our opinion, there is only positive things that can come from self-improvement, no matter how you need to get there! Need a friendly reminder on how to live with #NoComplaints? Download our convenient #NoComplaints weekly challenge print out!